
Update README.md

wkh237 8 年 前
共有1 個のファイルを変更した3 個の追加3 個の削除を含む
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README.md ファイルの表示

@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ A module provides upload, download, and files access API. Supports file stream r
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 **Why do we need this**
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-At this moment, React Native does not support `Blob` object yet, so if you're going to send/receive binary data via `fetch` API, that might not work as you expect. See [[fetch] Does fetch with blob() marshal data across the bridge?](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/854).
+React Native does not support `Blob` object at this moment, which means if you're going to send/receive binary data via `fetch` API, that might not work as you expect. See [[fetch] Does fetch with blob() marshal data across the bridge?](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/854).
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-Hence you may getting into trouble in some use cases. For example, displaying an image on image server but the server requires a specific field(such as "Authorization") in headers or body, so you can't just pass the image uri to `Image` component because that will probably returns a 401 response. With help of this module, you can send a HTTP request with any headers, and decide how to handle the response/reqeust data. The response data can be just simply converted into BASE64 string, or store to a file directly so that you can read it by file stream or use it's path.
+For some uses cases, you might get into trouble. For example, displaying an image that requires a specific field in headers (ex. "Authorization : Bearer ...") or body, so you can't just pass the image uri to `Image` component because that will probably returns a 401 response. Or you're going to upload binary data which generated from JS, the server will get an empry body due to [this issue](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/854). With help of this APIs provides by this module, you can send HTTP request with any headers, and decide how to handle the response/reqeust data without worry about if it is not supported by `fetch` API. The response data can be just simply converted into BASE64 string, or store to a file directly so that you can read it by file access APIs such as readFile, readStream.
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-This module is designed to be a substitution of `blob`, there's a set of file access API including basic CRUD method, and file stream reader/writer. Also it has a special `fetch` implementation that supports binary request/response body.
+This module was designed to be a substitution of `Blob`, there's a set of APIs including basic file system CRUD method, and file stream reader/writer. Also it has a special `fetch` implementation that supports binary request/response body.
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 **Pre v0.5.0 Users**
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