-This update is `backward-compatible` generally you don't have to change existing code unless you're going to use new APIs. In latest version (v0.5.0), new APIs can either `upload` or `download` files simply using a file path. It's much more memory efficent in some use case. We've also introduced `fs` APIs for access files, and `file stream` API that helps you read/write files (especially for **large ones**), see [Examples](#user-content-usage) bellow. This module implements native methods, supports both Android (uses awesome native library [AsyncHttpClient](https://github.com/AsyncHttpClient/async-http-client])) and IOS.
+All updates are `backward-compatible` generally you don't have to change existing code unless you're going to use new APIs. In latest version (v0.5.0), new APIs can either `upload` or `download` files simply using a file path. It's much more memory efficent in some use case. We've also introduced `fs` APIs for access files, and `file stream` API that helps you read/write files (especially for **large ones**), see [Examples](#user-content-usage) bellow. This module implements native methods, supports both Android (uses awesome native library [AsyncHttpClient](https://github.com/AsyncHttpClient/async-http-client])) and IOS.