/** * @author wkh237 * @version 0.1.1 */ // @flow import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Text, View } from 'react-native'; import Timer from 'react-timer-mixin'; const HALF_RAD = Math.PI/2 export default class AnimateNumber extends Component { props : { countBy? : ?number, interval? : ?number, steps? : ?number, value : number, timing : 'linear' | 'easeOut' | 'easeIn' | () => number, formatter : () => {}, onProgress : () => {}, onFinish : () => {} }; static defaultProps = { interval : 14, timing : 'linear', steps : 45, value : 0, formatter : (val) => val, onFinish : () => {} }; static TimingFunctions = { linear : (interval:number, progress:number):number => { return interval }, easeOut : (interval:number, progress:number):number => { return interval * Math.sin(HALF_RAD*progress) * 5 }, easeIn : (interval:number, progress:number):number => { return interval * Math.sin((HALF_RAD - HALF_RAD*progress)) * 5 }, }; state : { value? : ?number, displayValue? : ?number }; /** * Animation direction, true means positive, false means negative. * @type {bool} */ direction : bool; /** * Start value of last animation. * @type {number} */ startFrom : number; /** * End value of last animation. * @type {number} */ endWith : number; constructor(props:any) { super(props); // default values of state and non-state variables this.state = { value : 0, displayValue : 0 } this.dirty = false; this.startFrom = 0; this.endWith = 0; } componentDidMount() { this.startFrom = this.state.value this.endWith = this.props.value this.dirty = true this.startAnimate() } componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { // check if start an animation if(this.props.value !== nextProps.value) { this.startFrom = this.props.value this.endWith = nextProps.value this.dirty = true this.startAnimate() return } // Check if iterate animation frame if(!this.dirty) { return } if (this.direction === true) { if(parseFloat(this.state.value) <= parseFloat(this.props.value)) { this.startAnimate(); } } else if(this.direction === false){ if (parseFloat(this.state.value) >= parseFloat(this.props.value)) { this.startAnimate(); } } } render() { return ( <Text {...this.props}> {this.state.displayValue} </Text>) } startAnimate() { let progress = this.getAnimationProgress() Timer.setTimeout(() => { let value = (this.endWith - this.startFrom)/this.props.steps if(this.props.countBy) value = Math.sign(value)*Math.abs(this.props.countBy) let total = parseFloat(this.state.value) + parseFloat(value) this.direction = (value > 0) // animation terminate conditions if (((this.direction) ^ (total <= this.endWith)) === 1) { this.dirty = false total = this.endWith this.props.onFinish(total, this.props.formatter(total)) } if(this.props.onProgress) this.props.onProgress(this.state.value, total) this.setState({ value : total, displayValue : this.props.formatter(total) }) }, this.getTimingFunction(this.props.interval, progress)) } getAnimationProgress():number { return (this.state.value - this.startFrom) / (this.endWith - this.startFrom) } getTimingFunction(interval:number, progress:number) { if(typeof this.props.timing === 'string') { let fn = AnimateNumber.TimingFunctions[this.props.timing] return fn(interval, progress) } else if(typeof this.props.timing === 'function') return this.props.timing(interval, progress) else return AnimateNumber.TimingFunctions['linear'](interval, progress) } }