// Copyright 2016 wkh237@github. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import RNFetchBlob from '../index.js' import fs from '../fs.js' import getUUID from '../utils/uuid' import Log from '../utils/log.js' import EventTarget from './EventTarget' const log = new Log('Blob') const blobCacheDir = fs.dirs.DocumentDir + '/RNFetchBlob-blobs/' // log.disable() log.level(3) /** * A RNFetchBlob style Blob polyfill class, this is a Blob which compatible to * Response object attain fron RNFetchBlob.fetch. */ export default class Blob extends EventTarget { cacheName:string; type:string; size:number; isRNFetchBlobPolyfill:boolean = true; multipartBoundary:string = null; _ref:string = null; _blobCreated:boolean = false; _onCreated:Array = []; _closed:boolean = false; /** * Static method that remove all files in Blob cache folder. * @nonstandard * @return {Promise} */ static clearCache() { return fs.unlink(blobCacheDir).then(() => fs.mkdir(blobCacheDir)) } static build(data:any, cType:any):Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { new Blob(data, cType).onCreated(resolve) }) } get blobPath() { return this._ref } static setLog(level:number) { if(level === -1) log.disable() else log.level(level) } /** * RNFetchBlob Blob polyfill, create a Blob directly from file path, BASE64 * encoded data, and string. The conversion is done implicitly according to * given `mime`. However, the blob creation is asynchronously, to register * event `onCreated` is need to ensure the Blob is creadted. * @param {any} data Content of Blob object * @param {any} mime Content type settings of Blob object, `text/plain` * by default * @param {boolean} defer When this argument set to `true`, blob constructor * will not invoke blob created event automatically. */ constructor(data:any, cType:any, defer:boolean) { super() cType = cType || {} this.cacheName = getBlobName() this.isRNFetchBlobPolyfill = true this.isDerived = defer this.type = cType.type || 'text/plain' log.verbose('Blob constructor called', 'mime', this.type, 'type', typeof data, 'length', data? data.length:0) this._ref = blobCacheDir + this.cacheName let p = null if(!data) data = '' if(data.isRNFetchBlobPolyfill) { log.verbose('create Blob cache file from Blob object') let size = 0 this._ref = String(data.getRNFetchBlobRef()) let orgPath = this._ref p = fs.exists(orgPath) .then((exist) => { if(exist) return fs.writeFile(orgPath, data, 'uri') .then((size) => Promise.resolve(size)) .catch((err) => { throw `RNFetchBlob Blob file creation error, ${err}` }) else throw `could not create Blob from path ${orgPath}, file not exists` }) } // process FormData else if(data instanceof FormData) { log.verbose('create Blob cache file from FormData', data) let boundary = `RNFetchBlob-${this.cacheName}-${Date.now()}` this.multipartBoundary = boundary let parts = data.getParts() let formArray = [] if(!parts) { p = fs.writeFile(this._ref, '', 'utf8') } else { for(let i in parts) { formArray.push('\r\n--'+boundary+'\r\n') let part = parts[i] for(let j in part.headers) { formArray.push(j + ': ' +part.headers[j] + '\r\n') } formArray.push('\r\n') if(part.isRNFetchBlobPolyfill) formArray.push(part) else formArray.push(part.string) } log.verbose('FormData array', formArray) formArray.push('\r\n--'+boundary+'--\r\n') p = createMixedBlobData(this._ref, formArray) } } // if the data is a string starts with `RNFetchBlob-file://`, append the // Blob data from file path else if(typeof data === 'string' && data.startsWith('RNFetchBlob-file://')) { log.verbose('create Blob cache file from file path', data) this._ref = String(data).replace('RNFetchBlob-file://', '') let orgPath = this._ref if(defer) return else { p = fs.stat(orgPath) .then((stat) => { return Promise.resolve(stat.size) }) } } // content from variable need create file else if(typeof data === 'string') { let encoding = 'utf8' let mime = String(this.type) // when content type contains application/octet* or *;base64, RNFetchBlob // fs will treat it as BASE64 encoded string binary data if(/(application\/octet|\;base64)/i.test(mime)) encoding = 'base64' else data = data.toString() // create cache file this.type = String(this.type).replace(/;base64/ig, '') log.verbose('create Blob cache file from string', 'encode', encoding) p = fs.writeFile(this._ref, data, encoding) .then((size) => { return Promise.resolve(size) }) } // TODO : ArrayBuffer support // else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer ) { // // } // when input is an array of mixed data types, create a file cache else if(Array.isArray(data)) { log.verbose('create Blob cache file from mixed array', data) p = createMixedBlobData(this._ref, data) } else { data = data.toString() p = fs.writeFile(this._ref, data, 'utf8') .then((size) => Promise.resolve(size)) } p && p.then((size) => { this.size = size this._invokeOnCreateEvent() }) .catch((err) => { log.error('RNFetchBlob could not create Blob : '+ this._ref, err) }) } /** * Since Blob content will asynchronously write to a file during creation, * use this method to register an event handler for Blob initialized event. * @nonstandard * @param {(b:Blob) => void} An event handler invoked when Blob created * @return {Blob} The Blob object instance itself */ onCreated(fn:() => void):Blob { log.verbose('#register blob onCreated', this._blobCreated) if(!this._blobCreated) this._onCreated.push(fn) else { fn(this) } return this } markAsDerived() { this._isDerived = true } get isDerived() { return this._isDerived || false } /** * Get file reference of the Blob object. * @nonstandard * @return {string} Blob file reference which can be consumed by RNFetchBlob fs */ getRNFetchBlobRef() { return this._ref } /** * Create a Blob object which is sliced from current object * @param {number} start Start byte number * @param {number} end End byte number * @param {string} contentType Optional, content type of new Blob object * @return {Blob} */ slice(start:?number, end:?number, contentType:?string=''):Blob { if(this._closed) throw 'Blob has been released.' log.verbose('slice called', start, end, contentType) let resPath = blobCacheDir + getBlobName() let pass = false log.debug('fs.slice new blob will at', resPath) let result = new Blob(RNFetchBlob.wrap(resPath), { type : contentType }, true) fs.exists(blobCacheDir) .then((exist) => { if(exist) return Promise.resolve() return fs.mkdir(blobCacheDir) }) .then(() => fs.slice(this._ref, resPath, start, end)) .then((dest) => { log.debug('fs.slice done', dest) result._invokeOnCreateEvent() pass = true }) .catch((err) => { console.warn('Blob.slice failed:', err) pass = true }) log.debug('slice returning new Blob') return result } /** * Read data of the Blob object, this is not standard method. * @nonstandard * @param {string} encoding Read data with encoding * @return {Promise} */ readBlob(encoding:string):Promise { if(this._closed) throw 'Blob has been released.' return fs.readFile(this._ref, encoding || 'utf8') } /** * Release the resource of the Blob object. * @nonstandard * @return {Promise} */ close() { if(this._closed) return Promise.reject('Blob has been released.') this._closed = true return fs.unlink(this._ref).catch((err) => { console.warn(err) }) } _invokeOnCreateEvent() { log.verbose('invoke create event', this._onCreated) this._blobCreated = true let fns = this._onCreated for(let i in fns) { if(typeof fns[i] === 'function') { fns[i](this) } } delete this._onCreated } } /** * Get a temp filename for Blob object * @return {string} Temporary filename */ function getBlobName() { return 'blob-' + getUUID() } /** * Create a file according to given array. The element in array can be a number, * Blob, String, Array. * @param {string} ref File path reference * @param {Array} dataArray An array contains different types of data. * @return {Promise} */ function createMixedBlobData(ref, dataArray) { // create an empty file for store blob data let p = fs.writeFile(ref, '') let args = [] let size = 0 for(let i in dataArray) { let part = dataArray[i] if(!part) continue if(part.isRNFetchBlobPolyfill) { args.push([ref, part._ref, 'uri']) } else if(typeof part === 'string') args.push([ref, part, 'utf8']) // TODO : ArrayBuffer // else if (part instanceof ArrayBuffer) { // // } else if (Array.isArray(part)) args.push([ref, part, 'ascii']) } // start write blob data for(let i in args) { p = p.then(function(written){ let arg = this if(written) size += written log.verbose('mixed blob write', args[i], written) return fs.appendFile(...arg) }.bind(args[i])) } console.log('###ref', ref) return p.then(() => Promise.resolve(size)) }