import RNTest from './react-native-testkit/' import React from 'react' import RNFetchBlob from 'react-native-fetch-blob' import { StyleSheet, Text, View, ScrollView, Platform, Dimensions, Image, } from 'react-native'; const fs = RNFetchBlob.fs const { Assert, Comparer, Info, prop } = RNTest const describe = RNTest.config({ group : 'Android only functions', run : Platform.OS === 'android', expand : false, }) const { TEST_SERVER_URL, FILENAME, DROPBOX_TOKEN, styles } = prop() let prefix = ((Platform.OS === 'android') ? 'file://' : '') // Android only tests let tmpFilePath = null const dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs describe('Download with notification', (report, done) => { let filePath = null let filename = `test-${}.png` filePath = `${dirs.DownloadDir}/${filename}` RNFetchBlob.config({ path : filePath, addAndroidDownloads : { title : 'RNFetchBlob test download success', description : `File description added by RNFetchblob`, mediaScannable : true, mime : "image/png", notification : true } }) .fetch('GET', `${TEST_SERVER_URL}/public/github2.jpg`) .then((resp) => { tmpFilePath = resp.path() report(<Info key={`image from ${tmpFilePath}`}> <Image source={{ uri : prefix + tmpFilePath}} style={styles.image}/> </Info>) done() }) }) describe('MediaScanner tests ', (report, done) => { let filename = `scannable-test-${}.png` let filePath = `${dirs.DownloadDir}/${filename}` RNFetchBlob.config({ path : filePath, }) .fetch('GET', `${TEST_SERVER_URL}/public/github2.jpg`) .then((resp) => { tmpFilePath = resp.path() return RNFetchBlob.fs.scanFile([ { path:resp.path() } ]) }) .then(() => { report(<Assert key={`scan image success, there should be a new file in Picture app named "${filename}"`} expect={true} actual={true}/>) return RNFetchBlob .config({ path : dirs.DCIMDir + '/beethoven-'+ +'.mp3' }) .fetch('GET', `${TEST_SERVER_URL}/public/beethoven.mp3`) }) .then((resp) => { fs.scanFile([{ path : resp.path() }]) .then(() => { report(<Assert key={`scan mp3 file success, there exist a new file named "beethoven-${}.mp3" in Music app`} expect={true} actual={true}/>) done() }) }) }) describe('android download manager', (report, done) => { RNFetchBlob.config({ addAndroidDownloads : { useDownloadManager : true, title : 'RNFetchBlob test download manager test', description : `File description added by RNFetchblob`, mediaScannable : true, notification : true } }) .fetch('GET', `${TEST_SERVER_URL}/public/beethoven.mp3`).then((resp) => { report( <Assert key="download manager complete handler" expect={true} actual={true}/> ) return resp.readStream('ascii') }) .then((stream) => {; let len = 0 stream.onData((chunk) => { len += chunk.length }) stream.onEnd(() => { report( <Assert key="download manager URI is readable" expect={len} comparer={Comparer.greater} actual={0}/> ) done() }) }) }) describe('open a file from intent', (report, done) => { let url = null RNFetchBlob.config({ addAndroidDownloads : { useDownloadManager : true, title : 'test-image', description : 'open it from intent !', mime : 'image/png', mediaScannable : true, notification : true, } }) .fetch('GET', `${TEST_SERVER_URL}/public/github.png`) .then((res) => { let sendIntent = return sendIntent(res.path(), 'image/png') }) .then(() => { done() }) }) // #75 describe('APK downloaded from Download Manager should correct', (report, done) => { let url = null RNFetchBlob.config({ addAndroidDownloads : { useDownloadManager : true, title : 'test-APK', description : 'apk install file', mime : 'application/', mediaScannable : true, notification : true, } }) .fetch('GET', `${TEST_SERVER_URL}/public/apk-dummy.apk`) .then((res) => { let sendIntent = return sendIntent(res.path(), 'application/') }) .then(() => { done() }) }) // issue #74 describe('download file to specific location using DownloadManager', (report, done) => { let dest = dirs.DCIMDir + '/android-download-test-' + '.png' RNFetchBlob.config({ addAndroidDownloads : { useDownloadManager : true, path : dest, mime : 'image/png', title : 'android-download-path-test.png', description : 'download to specific path #74' } }) .fetch('GET', `${TEST_SERVER_URL}/public/github.png`) .then((res) => fs.stat(res.path())) .then((stat) => { report( <Assert key="file exists at the path" expect={true} actual={true}/>, <Assert key="file size correct" expect="23975" actual={stat.size}/>) done() }) })