// Copyright 2016 wkh237@github. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import { NativeModules, DeviceEventEmitter, NativeAppEventEmitter, } from 'react-native' import UUID from '../utils/uuid' const RNFetchBlob = NativeModules.RNFetchBlob const emitter = DeviceEventEmitter export default class RNFetchBlobReadStream { path : string; encoding : 'utf8' | 'ascii' | 'base64'; bufferSize : ?number; closed : boolean; tick : number = 10; constructor(path:string, encoding:string, bufferSize?:?number, tick:number) { if(!path) throw Error('RNFetchBlob could not open file stream with empty `path`') this.encoding = encoding || 'utf8' this.bufferSize = bufferSize this.path = path this.closed = false this.tick = tick this._onData = () => {} this._onEnd = () => {} this._onError = () => {} this.streamId = 'RNFBRS'+ UUID() // register for file stream event let subscription = emitter.addListener(this.streamId, (e) => { let {event, detail} = e if(this._onData && event === 'data') { this._onData(detail) return } else if (this._onEnd && event === 'end') { this._onEnd(detail) } else { if(this._onError) this._onError(detail) else throw new Error(detail) } // when stream closed or error, remove event handler if (event === 'error' || event === 'end') { subscription.remove() this.closed = true } }) } open() { if(!this.closed) RNFetchBlob.readStream(this.path, this.encoding, this.bufferSize || 10240 , this.tick || -1, this.streamId) else throw new Error('Stream closed') } onData(fn:() => void) { this._onData = fn } onError(fn) { this._onError = fn } onEnd (fn) { this._onEnd = fn } }