/** * Created by zack on 2018/4/29. */ import { View, Text, StyleSheet, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, Platform } from 'react-native' import React, {Component} from 'react' import {NavigationBarHeight, TabBarHeight, ScreenDimensions} from '../../../utils/DimensionsTools' import BaseNavigationBarStyle from '../../base/BaseNavigationBarStyle' import ToastMsg from '../../../utils/ToastMsg' export default class QuestionCreateViewController extends Component { static navigatorButtons = { leftButtons: [ { title: '取消', // for a textual button, provide the button title (label) id: 'cancel', // id for this button, given in onNavigatorEvent(event) to help understand which button was clicked buttonColor: '#000000', // Optional, iOS only. Set color for the button (can also be used in setButtons function to set different button style programatically) buttonFontSize: 14, // Set font size for the button (can also be used in setButtons function to set different button style programatically) }, ], rightButtons: [ { title: '下一步', // for a textual button, provide the button title (label) id: 'next', // id for this button, given in onNavigatorEvent(event) to help understand which button was clicked buttonColor: '#000000', // Optional, iOS only. Set color for the button (can also be used in setButtons function to set different button style programatically) buttonFontSize: 14, // Set font size for the button (can also be used in setButtons function to set different button style programatically) }, ] }; constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { questionName: props.questionName, questionTitle: '' } } hideTabBar() { this.props.navigator.toggleTabs({ to:'hidden', animated: true }) } componentDidMount() { this.props.navigator.setOnNavigatorEvent((event) => { if (event.type === 'NavBarButtonPress') { // this is the event type for button presses if (event.id === 'cancel') { // this is the same id field from the static navigatorButtons definition if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { this.props.navigator.dismissModal() }else { this.props.navigator.pop() } } if (event.id === 'next') { if (!this.state.questionTitle.length) { ToastMsg.show('请先输入您的问题') return; } this.props.navigator.push({ screen: 'QuestionCreateAddImageViewController', title: '提问', backButtonTitle: '', passProps: { questionTitle: this.state.questionTitle }, navigatorStyle: BaseNavigationBarStyle }) } } }) } render() { return( { this.setState({questionTitle: text}) }} defaultValue={this.state.questionName} placeholderTextColor={'#9c9c9c'} placeholder={'请输入问题'} style={styles.TextInput} /> {'什么是一个好问题?'} ) } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ View: { width: ScreenDimensions.width, height: ScreenDimensions.height - NavigationBarHeight.height, backgroundColor: 'white' }, TextInput: { marginTop: NavigationBarHeight.height, width: ScreenDimensions.width, height: 61, color: '#000000', fontSize: 16, textAlign: 'center', borderBottomWidth: 0.5, borderBottomColor: '#efeff4' }, BottomText: { marginTop: 30, width: ScreenDimensions.width, textAlign: 'center', color: '#4396d7', fontSize: 12 } })