소스 검색

Update README.md

Mathieu Acthernoene 7 년 전
No account linked to committer's email address
1개의 변경된 파일1개의 추가작업 그리고 1개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 1

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@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Promises resolve into one of these statuses:
119 119
120 120
 |`authorized`| User has authorized this permission |
121 121
 |`denied`| User has denied this permission at least once. On iOS this means that the user will not be prompted again. Android users can be promted multiple times until they select 'Never ask me again'|
-|`restricted`| **iOS only** - this means user is not able to grant this permission, either because it's not supported by the device or because it has been blocked by parental controls. **Android** - this means that the user has selected 'Never ask me again' while denying permission |
+|`restricted`| **iOS** - this means user is not able to grant this permission, either because it's not supported by the device or because it has been blocked by parental controls. **Android** - this means that the user has selected 'Never ask me again' while denying permission |
123 123
 |`undetermined`| User has not yet been prompted with a permission dialog |
124 124
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 ### Supported permissions types