# React Native Permissions Check user permissions (iOS only) ##What Some iOS features require the user to grant permission before you can access them. This library lets you check the current status of those permissions. (Note: it _doesn't_ prompt the user, just silently checks the permission status) The current supported permissions are: - Location - Camera - Microhone - Photos - Contacts - Event - Bluetooth (Peripheral role. Don't use for Central only) - RemoteNotifications (Push Notifications) ####Example ```java const Permissions = require('react-native-permissions'); //.... componentDidMount() { Permissions.locationPermissionStatus() .then(response => { if (response == Permissions.StatusUndetermined) { console.log("Undetermined"); } else if (response == Permissions.StatusDenied) { console.log("Denied"); } else if (response == Permissions.StatusAuthorized) { console.log("Authorized"); } else if (response == Permissions.StatusRestricted) { console.log("Restricted"); } }); } //... ``` ####API As shown in the example, methods return a promise with the authorization status as an `int`. You can compare them to the following statuses: `StatusUndetermined`, `StatusDenied`, `StatusAuthorized`, `StatusRestricted` `locationPermissionStatus()` - checks for access to the user's current location. Note: `AuthorizedAlways` and `AuthorizedWhenInUse` both return `StatusAuthorized` `cameraPermissionStatus()` - checks for access to the phone's camera `microphonePermissionStatus()` - checks for access to the phone's microphone `photoPermissionStatus()` - checks for access to the user's photo album `contactsPermissionStatus()` - checks for access to the user's address book `eventPermissionStatus(eventType)` - requires param `eventType`; either `reminder` or `event`. Checks for access to the user's calendar events and reminders `bluetoothPermissionStatus()` - checks the authorization status of the `CBPeripheralManager` (for sharing data while backgrounded). Note: _Don't_ use this if you're only using `CBCentralManager` `notificationPermissionStatus()` - checks if the user has authorized remote push notifications. Note: Apple only tells us if notifications are authorized or not, not the exact status. So this promise only returns `StatusUndetermined` or `StatusAuthorized`. You can determine if `StatusUndetermined` is actually `StatusRejected` by keeping track of whether or not you've already asked the user for permission. You also can open the Settings app. `openSettings()` - open the Settings app ##Setup ```` npm install --save react-native-permissions ```` ###iOS * Run open node_modules/react-native-permissions * Drag ReactNativePermissions.xcodeproj into the Libraries group of your app's Xcode project * Add libReactNativePermissions.a to `Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries.