# React Native Permissions Request user permissions from React Native (iOS only - android coming soon) The current supported permissions are: - Push Notifications - Location - Camera - Microhone - Photos - Contacts - Events - Reminders - Bluetooth (Peripheral role. Don't use for Central only) - Background Refresh ##General Usage ```js const Permissions = require('react-native-permissions'); //... //check the status of a single permission componentDidMount() { Permissions.getPermissionStatus('photo') .then(response => { //response is one of: 'authorized', 'denied', 'restricted', or 'undetermined' this.setState({ photoPermission: response }) }); } //request permission to access photos _requestPermission() { Permissions.requestPermission('photo') .then(response => { //returns once the user has chosen to 'allow' or to 'not allow' access //response is one of: 'authorized', 'denied', 'restricted', or 'undetermined' this.setState({ photoPermission: response }) }); } //check the status of multiple permissions _checkCameraAndPhotos() { Permissions.checkMultiplePermissions(['camera', 'photo']) .then(response => { //response is an object mapping type to permission this.setState({ cameraPermission: response.camera, photoPermission: response.photo, }) }); } // this is a common pattern when asking for permissions. // iOS only gives you once chance to show the permission dialog, // after which the user needs to manually enable them from settings. // the idea here is to explain why we need access and determine if // the user will say no, so that we don't blow our one chance. // if the user already denied access, we can ask them to enable it from settings. _alertForPhotosPermission() { Alert.alert( 'Can we access your photos?', 'We need access so you can set your profile pic', [ {text: 'No way', onPress: () => console.log('permission denied'), style: 'cancel'}, this.state.photoPermission == 'undetermined'? {text: 'OK', onPress: this._requestPermission.bind(this)} : {text: 'Open Settings', onPress: Permissions.openSettings} ] ) } //... ``` ##API _Permission statuses_ - `authorized`, `denied`, `restricted`, or `undetermined` _Permission types_ - `location`, `camera`, `microphone`, `photo`, `contacts`, `event`, `reminder`, `bluetooth`, `notification`, or `backgroundRefresh` | Method Name | Arguments | Notes |---|---|---| | `getPermissionStatus` | `type` | - Returns a promise with the permission status. Note: for type `location`, iOS `AuthorizedAlways` and `AuthorizedWhenInUse` both return `authorized` | | `requestPermission` | `type` | - Accepts any permission type except `backgroundRefresh`. If the current status is `undetermined`, shows the permission dialog and returns a promise with the resulting status. Otherwise, immediately return a promise with the current status. Note: see below for special cases| | `checkMultiplePermissions` | `[types]` | - Accepts an array of permission types and returns a promise with an object mapping permission types to statuses | | `getPermissionTypes` | *none* | - Returns an array of valid permission types | | `openSettings` | *none* | - Switches the user to the settings page of your app (iOS 8.0 and later) | | `canOpenSettings` | *none* | - Returns a boolean indicating if the device supports switching to the settings page | Note: Permission type `bluetooth` represents the status of the `CBPeripheralManager` . Note: Don't use this if you're only using `CBCentralManager` #####Special cases `requestPermission` also accepts a second parameter for types `location` and `notification`. - `location`: the second parameter is a string, either `always` or `whenInUse`(default). - `notification`: the second parameter is an array with the desired alert types. Any combination of `alert`, `badge` and `sound` (default requests all three) *_example_* ```js Permissions.requestPermission('location', 'always') .then(response => { this.setState({ locationPermission: response }) }) Permissions.requestPermission('notification', ['alert', 'badge']) .then(response => { this.setState({ notificationPermission: response }) }) ``` ##Setup ```` npm install --save react-native-permissions ```` ##iOS * Run open node_modules/react-native-permissions * Drag ReactNativePermissions.xcodeproj into the Libraries group of your app's Xcode project * Add libReactNativePermissions.a to `Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries.