# ☝🏼 React Native Permissions [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/react-native-permissions.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/react-native-permissions) [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/react-native-permissions.svg)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/react-native-permissions) ![Platform - Android and iOS](https://img.shields.io/badge/platform-Android%20%7C%20iOS-yellow.svg) ![MIT](https://img.shields.io/dub/l/vibe-d.svg) [![styled with prettier](https://img.shields.io/badge/styled_with-prettier-ff69b4.svg)](https://github.com/prettier/prettier) Request user permissions on iOS and Android. ### ⚠️  Branch WIP 2.0.0 : Go to [pull request #291](https://github.com/yonahforst/react-native-permissions/pull/291) for feedbacks. ## Support | version | react-native version | | ------- | -------------------- | | 2.0.0+ | 0.56.0+ | | 1.1.1 | 0.40.0 - 0.52.2 | ## Setup ```bash $ npm install --save react-native-permissions # --- or --- $ yarn add react-native-permissions ``` ### iOS specific To allow installation of the needed permission handlers for your project (and only them), `react-native-permissions` uses CocoaPods. Update the following line with your path to `node_modules/` and add it to your podfile: ```ruby target 'YourAwesomeProject' do # … pod 'RNPermissions', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-permissions', :subspecs => [ 'Core', ## Uncomment needed permissions # 'BluetoothPeripheral', # 'Calendars', # 'Camera', # 'Contacts', # 'FaceID', # 'LocationAlways', # 'LocationWhenInUse', # 'MediaLibrary', # 'Microphone', # 'Motion', # 'Notifications', # 'PhotoLibrary', # 'Reminders', # 'Siri', # 'SpeechRecognition', # 'StoreKit', ] end ``` ### Android specific 1. Add the following lines to `android/settings.gradle`: ```gradle include ':react-native-permissions' project(':react-native-permissions').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-permissions/android') ``` 2. Add the compile line to the dependencies in `android/app/build.gradle`: ```gradle dependencies { // ... implementation project(':react-native-permissions') } ``` 3. Add the import and link the package in `MainApplication.java`: ```java import com.yonahforst.rnpermissions.RNPermissionsPackage; // <-- Add the import public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication { // … @Override protected List getPackages() { return Arrays.asList( new MainReactPackage(), // … new RNPermissionsPackage() // <-- Add it to the packages list ); } // … } ``` _📌 Don't forget to add permissions to `AndroidManifest.xml` for android and `Info.plist` for iOS (Xcode >= 8)._ ## API (subject to changes) ### Permissions statuses Promises resolve into one of these statuses: | Return value | Notes | | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `RESULTS.UNAVAILABLE` | This feature is not available on this device. | | `RESULTS.GRANTED` | The permission is granted. | | `RESULTS.DENIED` | The permission has not been requested / is denied but requestable. | | `RESULTS.NEVER_ASK_AGAIN` | The permission is not requestable anymore. | ### Supported permissions ```js import { ANDROID_PERMISSIONS, IOS_PERMISSIONS } from "react-native-permissions"; // For Android // same as PermissionsAndroid ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.READ_CALENDAR; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.WRITE_CALENDAR; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.CAMERA; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.READ_CONTACTS; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.WRITE_CONTACTS; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.GET_ACCOUNTS; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.RECORD_AUDIO; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.READ_PHONE_STATE; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.CALL_PHONE; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.READ_CALL_LOG; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.WRITE_CALL_LOG; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.ADD_VOICEMAIL; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.USE_SIP; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.BODY_SENSORS; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.SEND_SMS; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.RECEIVE_SMS; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.READ_SMS; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.RECEIVE_MMS; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE; // new ones ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.ACCEPT_HANDOVER; ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS; // For iOS IOS_PERMISSIONS.BLUETOOTH_PERIPHERAL; IOS_PERMISSIONS.CALENDARS; IOS_PERMISSIONS.CAMERA; IOS_PERMISSIONS.CONTACTS; IOS_PERMISSIONS.FACE_ID; IOS_PERMISSIONS.LOCATION_ALWAYS; IOS_PERMISSIONS.LOCATION_WHEN_IN_USE; IOS_PERMISSIONS.MEDIA_LIBRARY; IOS_PERMISSIONS.MICROPHONE; IOS_PERMISSIONS.MOTION; IOS_PERMISSIONS.NOTIFICATIONS; IOS_PERMISSIONS.PHOTO_LIBRARY; IOS_PERMISSIONS.REMINDERS; IOS_PERMISSIONS.SIRI; IOS_PERMISSIONS.SPEECH_RECOGNITION; IOS_PERMISSIONS.STOREKIT; ``` ### Methods _types used in usage examples_ ```ts type Permission = keyof ANDROID_PERMISSIONS | keyof IOS_PERMISSIONS; type PermissionStatus = | "granted" | "denied" | "never_ask_again" | "unavailable"; ``` #### check() Check one permission status. #### Method type ```ts function check(permission: Permission): Promise; ``` #### Usage example ```js import { check, IOS_PERMISSIONS, RESULTS } from "react-native-permissions"; check(RNPermissions.IOS_PERMISSIONS.LOCATION_ALWAYS).then(result => { switch (result) { case RESULTS.UNAVAILABLE: console.log("the feature is not available on this device"); break; case RESULTS.GRANTED: console.log("permission is granted"); break; case RESULTS.DENIED: console.log("permission is denied, but requestable"); break; case RESULTS.NEVER_ASK_AGAIN: console.log("permission is denied and not requestable"); break; } }); ``` --- #### checkMultiple() Check multiples permissions. #### Method type ```ts function checkMultiple(permissions: P[]): Promise<{ [permission: P]: PermissionStatus }>; ``` #### Usage example ```js import { checkMultiple, IOS_PERMISSIONS } from "react-native-permissions"; checkMultiple([ IOS_PERMISSIONS.LOCATION_ALWAYS, IOS_PERMISSIONS.MEDIA_LIBRARY, ]).then(results => { // results.LOCATION_ALWAYS // results.MEDIA_LIBRARY }); ``` --- #### request() Request one permission. #### Method type ```ts type NotificationOption = | "badge" | "sound" | "alert" | "carPlay" | "criticalAlert" | "provisional"; type Rationale = { title: string; message: string; buttonPositive: string; buttonNegative?: string; buttonNeutral?: string; }; function request( permission: string, config: { notificationOptions?: NotificationOption[]; rationale?: Rationale; } = {}, ): Promise; ``` #### Usage example ```js import { request, IOS_PERMISSIONS } from "react-native-permissions"; request(IOS_PERMISSIONS.LOCATION_ALWAYS).then(result => { // … }); ``` --- #### requestMultiple() Request multiples permissions. #### Method type ```ts function requestMultiple(permissions: P[]): Promise<{ [permission: P]: PermissionStatus }>; ``` #### Usage example ```js import { requestMultiple, IOS_PERMISSIONS } from "react-native-permissions"; requestMultiple([ IOS_PERMISSIONS.LOCATION_ALWAYS, IOS_PERMISSIONS.MEDIA_LIBRARY, ]).then(results => { // results.LOCATION_ALWAYS // results.MEDIA_LIBRARY }); ``` --- #### openSettings() Open application settings. #### Method type ```ts function openSettings(): Promise; ``` #### Usage example ```js import { openSettings } from "react-native-permissions"; openSettings().catch(() => console.warn("cannot open settings"); ``` ## 🍎  iOS Notes - Permission type `BLUETOOTH_PERIPHERAL` represents the status of the `CBPeripheralManager`. - If `notificationOptions` config array is omitted on `NOTIFICATIONS` request, it will request `alert`, `badge` and `sound`.