Yonah Forst 9733cc6278 added background refresh status 8 år sedan
ReactNativePermissions.xcodeproj added authorization methods and status enum 8 år sedan
LICENSE first commit 8 år sedan
RCTConvert+RNPermissionsStatus.h added authorization methods and status enum 8 år sedan
RCTConvert+RNPermissionsStatus.m added authorization methods and status enum 8 år sedan
README.md added background refresh status 8 år sedan
ReactNativePermissions.android.js Adding placeholder file so Android doesn't crash on the require statement 8 år sedan
ReactNativePermissions.h added authorization methods and status enum 8 år sedan
ReactNativePermissions.ios.js first commit 8 år sedan
ReactNativePermissions.m added background refresh status 8 år sedan
ReactNativePermissions.podspec add ios9 Contacts framework check 8 år sedan
package.json added background refresh status 8 år sedan


React Native Permissions

Check user permissions (iOS only)


Some iOS features require the user to grant permission before you can access them.

This library lets you check the current status of those permissions. (Note: it doesn’t prompt the user, just silently checks the permission status)

The current supported permissions are:

  • Location
  • Camera
  • Microhone
  • Photos
  • Contacts
  • Event
  • Bluetooth (Peripheral role. Don’t use for Central only)
  • RemoteNotifications (Push Notifications)


const Permissions = require('react-native-permissions');

  componentDidMount() {
    .then(response => {
      if (response == Permissions.StatusUndetermined) {
      } else if (response == Permissions.StatusDenied) {
      } else if (response == Permissions.StatusAuthorized) {
      } else if (response == Permissions.StatusRestricted) {


As shown in the example, methods return a promise with the authorization status as an int. You can compare them to the following statuses: StatusUndetermined, StatusDenied, StatusAuthorized, StatusRestricted

locationPermissionStatus() - checks for access to the user’s current location. Note: AuthorizedAlways and AuthorizedWhenInUse both return StatusAuthorized

cameraPermissionStatus() - checks for access to the phone’s camera

microphonePermissionStatus() - checks for access to the phone’s microphone

photoPermissionStatus() - checks for access to the user’s photo album

contactsPermissionStatus() - checks for access to the user’s address book

eventPermissionStatus(eventType) - requires param eventType; either reminder or event. Checks for access to the user’s calendar events and reminders

bluetoothPermissionStatus() - checks the authorization status of the CBPeripheralManager (for sharing data while backgrounded). Note: Don’t use this if you’re only using CBCentralManager

notificationPermissionStatus() - checks if the user has authorized remote push notifications. Note: Apple only tells us if notifications are authorized or not, not the exact status. So this promise only returns StatusUndetermined or StatusAuthorized. You can determine if StatusUndetermined is actually StatusRejected by keeping track of whether or not you’ve already asked the user for permission.

backgroundRefreshStatus() - checks the authorization status of background refresh

You also can open the Settings app. openSettings() - open the Settings app. Note: this is only supported in ios >= 8. You can use canOpenSettings() to determine if it’s supported.


npm install --save react-native-permissions


  • Run open node_modules/react-native-permissions
  • Drag ReactNativePermissions.xcodeproj into the Libraries group of your app’s Xcode project
  • Add libReactNativePermissions.a to `Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries.