//@flow import React, { Component } from "react"; import { View, NativeModules, Platform, findNodeHandle } from "react-native"; const { RNViewShot } = NativeModules; const neverEndingPromise = new Promise(() => {}); type Options = { width?: number, height?: number, format: "png" | "jpg" | "webm", quality: number, result: "tmpfile" | "base64" | "data-uri", snapshotContentContainer: boolean }; if (!RNViewShot) { console.warn( "NativeModules.RNViewShot is undefined. Make sure the library is linked on the native side." ); } const acceptedFormats = ["png", "jpg"].concat( Platform.OS === "android" ? ["webm"] : [] ); const acceptedResults = ["tmpfile", "base64", "data-uri"]; const defaultOptions = { format: "png", quality: 1, result: "tmpfile", snapshotContentContainer: false }; // validate and coerce options function validateOptions( options: ?Object ): { options: Options, errors: Array } { options = { ...defaultOptions, ...options }; const errors = []; if ( "width" in options && (typeof options.width !== "number" || options.width <= 0) ) { errors.push("option width should be a positive number"); delete options.width; } if ( "height" in options && (typeof options.height !== "number" || options.height <= 0) ) { errors.push("option height should be a positive number"); delete options.height; } if ( typeof options.quality !== "number" || options.quality < 0 || options.quality > 1 ) { errors.push("option quality should be a number between 0.0 and 1.0"); options.quality = defaultOptions.quality; } if (typeof options.snapshotContentContainer !== "boolean") { errors.push("option snapshotContentContainer should be a boolean"); } if (acceptedFormats.indexOf(options.format) === -1) { options.format = defaultOptions.format; errors.push( "option format is not in valid formats: " + acceptedFormats.join(" | ") ); } if (acceptedResults.indexOf(options.result) === -1) { options.result = defaultOptions.result; errors.push( "option result is not in valid formats: " + acceptedResults.join(" | ") ); } return { options, errors }; } export function captureRef( view: number | ReactElement<*>, optionsObject?: Object ): Promise { if (typeof view !== "number") { const node = findNodeHandle(view); if (!node) return Promise.reject( new Error("findNodeHandle failed to resolve view=" + String(view)) ); view = node; } const { options, errors } = validateOptions(optionsObject); if (__DEV__ && errors.length > 0) { console.warn( "react-native-view-shot: bad options:\n" + errors.map(e => `- ${e}`).join("\n") ); } return RNViewShot.captureRef(view, options); } export function releaseCapture(uri: string): void { if (typeof uri !== "string") { if (__DEV__) { console.warn("Invalid argument to releaseCapture. Got: " + uri); } } else { RNViewShot.releaseCapture(uri); } } export function captureScreen( optionsObject?: Options ): Promise { const { options, errors } = validateOptions(optionsObject); if (__DEV__ && errors.length > 0) { console.warn( "react-native-view-shot: bad options:\n" + errors.map(e => `- ${e}`).join("\n") ); } return RNViewShot.captureScreen(options); } type Props = { options?: Object, captureMode?: "mount" | "continuous" | "update", children: React.Element<*>, onLayout?: (e: *) => void, onCapture: (uri: string) => void, onCaptureFailure: (e: Error) => void }; function checkCompatibleProps(props: Props) { if (!props.captureMode && props.onCapture) { console.warn( "react-native-view-shot: a captureMode prop must be provided for `onCapture`" ); } else if (props.captureMode && !props.onCapture) { console.warn( "react-native-view-shot: captureMode prop is defined but onCapture prop callback is missing" ); } else if ( (props.captureMode === "continuous" || props.captureMode === "update") && props.options && props.options.result && props.options.result !== "tmpfile" ) { console.warn( "react-native-view-shot: result=tmpfile is recommended for captureMode=" + props.captureMode ); } } export default class ViewShot extends Component { static captureRef = captureRef; static releaseCapture = releaseCapture; props: Props; root: ?View; _raf: *; lastCapturedURI: ?string; resolveFirstLayout: (layout: Object) => void; firstLayoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this.resolveFirstLayout = resolve; }); capture = (): Promise => this.firstLayoutPromise .then(() => { const { root } = this; if (!root) return neverEndingPromise; // component is unmounted, you never want to hear back from the promise return captureRef(root, this.props.options); }) .then( (uri: string) => { this.onCapture(uri); return uri; }, (e: Error) => { this.onCaptureFailure(e); throw e; } ); onCapture = (uri: string) => { if (!this.root) return; if (this.lastCapturedURI) { // schedule releasing the previous capture setTimeout(releaseCapture, 500, this.lastCapturedURI); } this.lastCapturedURI = uri; const { onCapture } = this.props; if (onCapture) onCapture(uri); }; onCaptureFailure = (e: Error) => { if (!this.root) return; const { onCaptureFailure } = this.props; if (onCaptureFailure) onCaptureFailure(e); }; syncCaptureLoop = (captureMode: ?string) => { cancelAnimationFrame(this._raf); if (captureMode === "continuous") { let previousCaptureURI = "-"; // needs to capture at least once at first, so we use "-" arbitrary string const loop = () => { this._raf = requestAnimationFrame(loop); if (previousCaptureURI === this.lastCapturedURI) return; // previous capture has not finished, don't capture yet previousCaptureURI = this.lastCapturedURI; this.capture(); }; this._raf = requestAnimationFrame(loop); } }; onRef = (ref: View) => { this.root = ref; }; onLayout = (e: { nativeEvent: { layout: Object } }) => { const { onLayout } = this.props; this.resolveFirstLayout(e.nativeEvent.layout); if (onLayout) onLayout(e); }; componentDidMount() { if (__DEV__) checkCompatibleProps(this.props); if (this.props.captureMode === "mount") { this.capture(); } else { this.syncCaptureLoop(this.props.captureMode); } } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Props) { if (nextProps.captureMode !== this.props.captureMode) { this.syncCaptureLoop(nextProps.captureMode); } } componentDidUpdate() { if (this.props.captureMode === "update") { this.capture(); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.syncCaptureLoop(null); } render() { const { children } = this.props; return ( {children} ); } }