// +build !go1.7 safe appengine // Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file. package codec import ( "reflect" "sync/atomic" "time" ) const safeMode = true // stringView returns a view of the []byte as a string. // In unsafe mode, it doesn't incur allocation and copying caused by conversion. // In regular safe mode, it is an allocation and copy. // // Usage: Always maintain a reference to v while result of this call is in use, // and call keepAlive4BytesView(v) at point where done with view. func stringView(v []byte) string { return string(v) } // bytesView returns a view of the string as a []byte. // In unsafe mode, it doesn't incur allocation and copying caused by conversion. // In regular safe mode, it is an allocation and copy. // // Usage: Always maintain a reference to v while result of this call is in use, // and call keepAlive4BytesView(v) at point where done with view. func bytesView(v string) []byte { return []byte(v) } func definitelyNil(v interface{}) bool { // this is a best-effort option. // We just return false, so we don't unnecessarily incur the cost of reflection this early. return false } func rv2i(rv reflect.Value) interface{} { return rv.Interface() } func rt2id(rt reflect.Type) uintptr { return reflect.ValueOf(rt).Pointer() } func rv2rtid(rv reflect.Value) uintptr { return reflect.ValueOf(rv.Type()).Pointer() } func i2rtid(i interface{}) uintptr { return reflect.ValueOf(reflect.TypeOf(i)).Pointer() } // -------------------------- func isEmptyValue(v reflect.Value, tinfos *TypeInfos, deref, checkStruct bool) bool { switch v.Kind() { case reflect.Invalid: return true case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String: return v.Len() == 0 case reflect.Bool: return !v.Bool() case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: return v.Int() == 0 case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: return v.Uint() == 0 case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: return v.Float() == 0 case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr: if deref { if v.IsNil() { return true } return isEmptyValue(v.Elem(), tinfos, deref, checkStruct) } return v.IsNil() case reflect.Struct: return isEmptyStruct(v, tinfos, deref, checkStruct) } return false } // -------------------------- // type ptrToRvMap struct{} // func (*ptrToRvMap) init() {} // func (*ptrToRvMap) get(i interface{}) reflect.Value { // return reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem() // } // -------------------------- type atomicTypeInfoSlice struct { // expected to be 2 words v atomic.Value } func (x *atomicTypeInfoSlice) load() []rtid2ti { i := x.v.Load() if i == nil { return nil } return i.([]rtid2ti) } func (x *atomicTypeInfoSlice) store(p []rtid2ti) { x.v.Store(p) } // -------------------------- func (d *Decoder) raw(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetBytes(d.rawBytes()) } func (d *Decoder) kString(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetString(d.d.DecodeString()) } func (d *Decoder) kBool(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetBool(d.d.DecodeBool()) } func (d *Decoder) kTime(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(d.d.DecodeTime())) } func (d *Decoder) kFloat32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { fv := d.d.DecodeFloat64() if chkOvf.Float32(fv) { d.errorf("float32 overflow: %v", fv) } rv.SetFloat(fv) } func (d *Decoder) kFloat64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetFloat(d.d.DecodeFloat64()) } func (d *Decoder) kInt(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetInt(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), intBitsize)) } func (d *Decoder) kInt8(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetInt(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 8)) } func (d *Decoder) kInt16(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetInt(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 16)) } func (d *Decoder) kInt32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetInt(chkOvf.IntV(d.d.DecodeInt64(), 32)) } func (d *Decoder) kInt64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetInt(d.d.DecodeInt64()) } func (d *Decoder) kUint(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetUint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize)) } func (d *Decoder) kUintptr(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetUint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), uintBitsize)) } func (d *Decoder) kUint8(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetUint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 8)) } func (d *Decoder) kUint16(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetUint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 16)) } func (d *Decoder) kUint32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetUint(chkOvf.UintV(d.d.DecodeUint64(), 32)) } func (d *Decoder) kUint64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { rv.SetUint(d.d.DecodeUint64()) } // ---------------- func (e *Encoder) kBool(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeBool(rv.Bool()) } func (e *Encoder) kTime(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeTime(rv2i(rv).(time.Time)) } func (e *Encoder) kString(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeString(cUTF8, rv.String()) } func (e *Encoder) kFloat64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeFloat64(rv.Float()) } func (e *Encoder) kFloat32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeFloat32(float32(rv.Float())) } func (e *Encoder) kInt(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeInt(rv.Int()) } func (e *Encoder) kInt8(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeInt(rv.Int()) } func (e *Encoder) kInt16(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeInt(rv.Int()) } func (e *Encoder) kInt32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeInt(rv.Int()) } func (e *Encoder) kInt64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeInt(rv.Int()) } func (e *Encoder) kUint(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeUint(rv.Uint()) } func (e *Encoder) kUint8(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeUint(rv.Uint()) } func (e *Encoder) kUint16(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeUint(rv.Uint()) } func (e *Encoder) kUint32(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeUint(rv.Uint()) } func (e *Encoder) kUint64(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeUint(rv.Uint()) } func (e *Encoder) kUintptr(f *codecFnInfo, rv reflect.Value) { e.e.EncodeUint(rv.Uint()) } // // keepAlive4BytesView maintains a reference to the input parameter for bytesView. // // // // Usage: call this at point where done with the bytes view. // func keepAlive4BytesView(v string) {} // // keepAlive4BytesView maintains a reference to the input parameter for stringView. // // // // Usage: call this at point where done with the string view. // func keepAlive4StringView(v []byte) {} // func definitelyNil(v interface{}) bool { // rv := reflect.ValueOf(v) // switch rv.Kind() { // case reflect.Invalid: // return true // case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface, reflect.Chan, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map, reflect.Func: // return rv.IsNil() // default: // return false // } // }