'use strict'; import { Dimensions } from 'react-native'; import Immutable from 'immutable'; function appendFilesToHead(files, script) { return files.reduceRight((combinedScript, file) => { const { rel, type, href } = file; return ` var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = '${rel}'; link.type = '${type}'; link.href = '${href}'; document.head.appendChild(link); ${combinedScript} `; }, script); } const screenWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width; const bodyStyle = ` body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } `; function appendStylesToHead(styles, script) { const currentStyles = styles ? bodyStyle + styles : bodyStyle; // Escape any single quotes or newlines in the CSS with .replace() const escaped = currentStyles.replace(/\'/g, "\\'").replace(/\n/g, '\\n'); return ` var styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.innerHTML = '${escaped}'; document.head.appendChild(styleElement); ${script} `; } function getReloadRelatedData(props) { const { hasIframe, files, customStyle, customScript, style, source } = props; return { source, hasIframe, files, customStyle, customScript, style }; } function isChanged(newValue, oldValue) { return !Immutable.is(Immutable.fromJS(newValue), Immutable.fromJS(oldValue)); } function getInjectedSource(html, script) { return ` ${html} `; } export function getScript(props, getBaseScript) { const { files, customStyle, customScript, style } = getReloadRelatedData(props); let script = getBaseScript(style); script = files && files.length > 0 ? appendFilesToHead(files, script) : script; script = appendStylesToHead(customStyle, script); customScript && (script = customScript + script); return script; } export function getWidth(style) { return style && style.width ? style.width : screenWidth; } export function isEqual(newProps, oldProps) { return isChanged(getReloadRelatedData(newProps), getReloadRelatedData(oldProps)); } export function setState(props, getBaseScript, getIframeBaseScript) { const { source, baseUrl } = props; const script = getScript(props, getBaseScript, getIframeBaseScript); let state = {}; if (source.html) { let currentSource = { html: getInjectedSource(source.html, script) }; baseUrl && Object.assign(currentSource, { baseUrl }); Object.assign(state, { source: currentSource }); } else { let currentSource = Object.assign({}, source); baseUrl && Object.assign(currentSource, { baseUrl }); Object.assign(state, { source: currentSource, script }); } return state; } export function handleSizeUpdated(height, width, onSizeUpdated) { onSizeUpdated && onSizeUpdated({ height, width }); } export function isSizeChanged(height, oldHeight, width, oldWidth) { if (height == null || width == null) { return false; } return height !== oldHeight || width !== oldWidth; } export const domMutationObserveScript = ` var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; var observer = new MutationObserver(updateSize); observer.observe(document, { subtree: true, attributes: true }); `; export function updateSizeWithMessage(element) { return ` var updateSizeInterval = null; var height = 0; function updateSize() { if (!window.hasOwnProperty('ReactNativeWebView') || !window.ReactNativeWebView.hasOwnProperty('postMessage')) { !updateSizeInterval && (updateSizeInterval = setInterval(updateSize, 200)); return; } height = ${element}.offsetHeight || window.innerHeight, width = ${element}.offsetWidth || window.innerWidth; window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ width: width, height: height })); } `; } export function getStateFromProps(props, state) { const { height: oldHeight, width: oldWidth } = state; const height = props.style ? props.style.height : null; const width = props.style ? props.style.width : null; if (isSizeChanged(height, oldHeight, width, oldWidth)) { return { height: height || oldHeight, width: width || oldWidth, isSizeChanged: true }; } return null; }