'use strict'; import { Dimensions } from 'react-native'; const domMutationObserveScript = ` var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; var observer = new MutationObserver(updateSize); observer.observe(document, { subtree: true, attributes: true }); `; const updateSizeWithMessage = (element, scalesPageToFit) => ` var lastHeight = 0; var heightTheSameTimes = 0; var maxHeightTheSameTimes = 5; var forceRefreshDelay = 1000; var forceRefreshTimeout; var checkPostMessageTimeout; function updateSize(event) { if (zoomedin || scaling) { return; } if ( !window.hasOwnProperty('ReactNativeWebView') || !window.ReactNativeWebView.hasOwnProperty('postMessage') ) { checkPostMessageTimeout = setTimeout(updateSize, 200); return; } clearTimeout(checkPostMessageTimeout); height = ${element}.offsetHeight || document.documentElement.offsetHeight; width = ${element}.offsetWidth || document.documentElement.offsetWidth; var scale = ${scalesPageToFit ? 'screen.width / window.innerWidth' : '1'}; window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ width: Math.min(width, screen.width), height: height * scale })); // Make additional height checks (required to fix issues wit twitter embeds) clearTimeout(forceRefreshTimeout); if (lastHeight !== height) { heightTheSameTimes = 1; } else { heightTheSameTimes++; } lastHeight = height; if (heightTheSameTimes <= maxHeightTheSameTimes) { forceRefreshTimeout = setTimeout( updateSize, heightTheSameTimes * forceRefreshDelay ); } } `; const setViewportContent = content => { if (!content) { return ''; } return ` var meta = document.createElement("meta"); meta.setAttribute("name", "viewport"); meta.setAttribute("content", "${content}"); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(meta); `; }; const detectZoomChanged = ` var zoomedin = false; var latestTapStamp = 0; var lastScale = 1.0; var scaling = false; var doubleTapDelay = 400; function detectZoomChanged() { var tempZoomedin = (screen.width / window.innerWidth) > 1; tempZoomedin !== zoomedin && window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ zoomedin: tempZoomedin })); zoomedin = tempZoomedin; } window.addEventListener('ontouchstart', event => { if (event.touches.length === 2) { scaling = true; } }) window.addEventListener('touchend', event => { if(scaling) { scaleing = false; } var tempScale = event.scale; tempScale !== lastScale && detectZoomChanged(); lastScale = tempScale; var timeSince = new Date().getTime() - latestTapStamp; // double tap if(timeSince < 600 && timeSince > 0) { zoomedinTimeOut = setTimeout(() => { clearTimeout(zoomedinTimeOut); detectZoomChanged(); }, doubleTapDelay); } latestTapStamp = new Date().getTime(); }); `; const getBaseScript = ({ style, viewportContent, scalesPageToFit, scrollEnabledWithZoomedin }) => ` ; if (!document.getElementById("rnahw-wrapper")) { var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.id = 'rnahw-wrapper'; while (document.body.firstChild instanceof Node) { wrapper.appendChild(document.body.firstChild); } document.body.appendChild(wrapper); } ${updateSizeWithMessage('wrapper', scalesPageToFit)} window.addEventListener('load', updateSize); window.addEventListener('resize', updateSize); ${domMutationObserveScript} ${setViewportContent(viewportContent)} ${scrollEnabledWithZoomedin ? detectZoomChanged : ''} updateSize(); `; const appendFilesToHead = ({ files, script }) => files.reduceRight((combinedScript, file) => { const { rel, type, href } = file; return ` var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = '${rel}'; link.type = '${type}'; link.href = '${href}'; document.head.appendChild(link); ${combinedScript} `; }, script); const screenWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width; const bodyStyle = ` body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } `; const appendStylesToHead = ({ style, script }) => { const currentStyles = style ? bodyStyle + style : bodyStyle; // Escape any single quotes or newlines in the CSS with .replace() const escaped = currentStyles.replace(/\'/g, "\\'").replace(/\n/g, '\\n'); return ` var styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.innerHTML = '${escaped}'; document.head.appendChild(styleElement); ${script} `; }; const getInjectedSource = ({ html, script }) => ` ${html} `; const getScript = ({ files, customStyle, customScript, style, viewportContent, scalesPageToFit, scrollEnabledWithZoomedin }) => { let script = getBaseScript({ style, viewportContent, scalesPageToFit, scrollEnabledWithZoomedin }); script = files && files.length > 0 ? appendFilesToHead({ files, script }) : script; script = appendStylesToHead({ style: customStyle, script }); customScript && (script = customScript + script); return script; }; export const getWidth = style => { return style && style.width ? style.width : screenWidth; }; export const isSizeChanged = ({ height, previousHeight, width, previousWidth }) => { if (!height || !width) { return; } return height !== previousHeight || width !== previousWidth; }; export const reduceData = props => { const { source } = props; const script = getScript(props); const { html, baseUrl } = source; if (html) { return { currentSource: { baseUrl, html: getInjectedSource({ html, script }) } }; } else { return { currentSource: source, script }; } }; export const shouldUpdate = ({ prevProps, nextProps }) => { if (!(prevProps && nextProps)) { return true; } for (const prop in nextProps) { if (nextProps[prop] !== prevProps[prop]) { if (typeof nextProps[prop] === 'object' && typeof prevProps[prop] === 'object') { if ( shouldUpdate({ prevProps: prevProps[prop], nextProps: nextProps[prop] }) ) { return true; } } else { return true; } } } return false; };