param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $Components, [uri] $InstallerUri = "", [string] $VsInstaller = "${env:System_DefaultWorkingDirectory}\vs_Enterprise.exe", [string] $VsInstallOutputDir = "${env:System_DefaultWorkingDirectory}\vs", [System.IO.FileInfo] $VsInstallPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise", [System.IO.FileInfo] $VsInstallerPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer", [switch] $Collect = $false, [switch] $Cleanup = $false, [switch] $UseWebInstaller = $false ) $Components | ForEach-Object { $componentList += '--add', $_ } $LocalVsInstaller = "$VsInstallerPath\vs_installershell.exe" $UseWebInstaller = $UseWebInstaller -or -not (Test-Path -Path "$LocalVsInstaller") if ($UseWebInstaller) { Write-Host "Downloading web installer..." Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get ` -Uri $InstallerUri ` -OutFile $VsInstaller New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $VsInstallOutputDir Write-Host "Running web installer to download requested components..." Start-Process ` -FilePath "$VsInstaller" ` -ArgumentList ( ` '--layout', "$VsInstallOutputDir", '--wait', '--norestart', '--quiet' + ` $componentList ) ` -Wait ` -PassThru Write-Host "Running downloaded VS installer to add requested components..." Start-Process ` -FilePath "$VsInstallOutputDir\vs_Enterprise.exe" ` -ArgumentList ( 'modify', '--installPath', "`"$VsInstallPath`"" , '--wait', '--norestart', '--quiet' + ` $componentList ) ` -Wait ` -PassThru ` -OutVariable returnCode if ($Cleanup) { Write-Host "Cleaning up..." Remove-Item -Path $VsInstaller Remove-Item -Path $VsInstallOutputDir -Recurse } } else { Write-Host "Running local installer to add requested components..." Start-Process ` -FilePath "$LocalVsInstaller" ` -ArgumentList ( 'modify', '--installPath', "`"$VsInstallPath`"" , '--norestart', '--quiet' + ` $componentList ) ` -Wait ` -OutVariable returnCode } if ($Collect) { Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get ` -Uri '' ` -OutFile ${env:System_DefaultWorkingDirectory}\Collect.exe # Should generate ${env:Temp}\ Start-Process ` -FilePath "${env:System_DefaultWorkingDirectory}\Collect.exe" ` -Wait ` -PassThru New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force ${env:System_DefaultWorkingDirectory}\vslogs Expand-Archive -Path ${env:TEMP}\ -DestinationPath ${env:System_DefaultWorkingDirectory}\vslogs\ Write-Host "VC versions after installation:" Get-ChildItem -Name "$VsInstallPath\VC\Tools\MSVC\" }