* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @format
'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import ReactNative from 'react-native';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import deprecatedPropType from 'deprecated-prop-type';
import keyMirror from 'fbjs/lib/keyMirror';
import WebViewShared from './WebViewShared';
const resolveAssetSource = Image.resolveAssetSource;
const RNC_WEBVIEW_REF = 'webview';
const WebViewState = keyMirror({
IDLE: null,
LOADING: null,
ERROR: null,
const defaultRenderLoading = () => (
* Renders a native WebView.
class WebView extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
renderError: PropTypes.func,
renderLoading: PropTypes.func,
onLoad: PropTypes.func,
onLoadEnd: PropTypes.func,
onLoadStart: PropTypes.func,
onError: PropTypes.func,
automaticallyAdjustContentInsets: PropTypes.bool,
contentInset: EdgeInsetsPropType,
onNavigationStateChange: PropTypes.func,
onMessage: PropTypes.func,
onContentSizeChange: PropTypes.func,
startInLoadingState: PropTypes.bool, // force WebView to show loadingView on first load
style: DeprecatedViewPropTypes.style,
html: deprecatedPropType(
'Use the `source` prop instead.',
url: deprecatedPropType(PropTypes.string, 'Use the `source` prop instead.'),
* Loads static html or a uri (with optional headers) in the WebView.
source: PropTypes.oneOfType([
* The URI to load in the WebView. Can be a local or remote file.
uri: PropTypes.string,
* The HTTP Method to use. Defaults to GET if not specified.
* NOTE: On Android, only GET and POST are supported.
method: PropTypes.oneOf(['GET', 'POST']),
* Additional HTTP headers to send with the request.
* NOTE: On Android, this can only be used with GET requests.
headers: PropTypes.object,
* The HTTP body to send with the request. This must be a valid
* UTF-8 string, and will be sent exactly as specified, with no
* additional encoding (e.g. URL-escaping or base64) applied.
* NOTE: On Android, this can only be used with POST requests.
body: PropTypes.string,
* A static HTML page to display in the WebView.
html: PropTypes.string,
* The base URL to be used for any relative links in the HTML.
baseUrl: PropTypes.string,
* Used internally by packager.
* If true, use WKWebView instead of UIWebView.
* @platform ios
useWebKit: PropTypes.bool,
* Used on Android only, JS is enabled by default for WebView on iOS
* @platform android
javaScriptEnabled: PropTypes.bool,
* Used on Android Lollipop and above only, third party cookies are enabled
* by default for WebView on Android Kitkat and below and on iOS
* @platform android
thirdPartyCookiesEnabled: PropTypes.bool,
* Used on Android only, controls whether DOM Storage is enabled or not
* @platform android
domStorageEnabled: PropTypes.bool,
* Sets whether Geolocation is enabled. The default is false.
* @platform android
geolocationEnabled: PropTypes.bool,
* Sets the JS to be injected when the webpage loads.
injectedJavaScript: PropTypes.string,
* Sets whether the webpage scales to fit the view and the user can change the scale.
scalesPageToFit: PropTypes.bool,
* Sets the user-agent for this WebView. The user-agent can also be set in native using
* WebViewConfig. This prop will overwrite that config.
userAgent: PropTypes.string,
* Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests.
testID: PropTypes.string,
* Determines whether HTML5 audio & videos require the user to tap before they can
* start playing. The default value is `false`.
mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction: PropTypes.bool,
* Boolean that sets whether JavaScript running in the context of a file
* scheme URL should be allowed to access content from any origin.
* Including accessing content from other file scheme URLs
* @platform android
allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs: PropTypes.bool,
* List of origin strings to allow being navigated to. The strings allow
* wildcards and get matched against *just* the origin (not the full URL).
* If the user taps to navigate to a new page but the new page is not in
* this whitelist, the URL will be opened by the Android OS.
* The default whitelisted origins are "http://*" and "https://*".
originWhitelist: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
* Function that accepts a string that will be passed to the WebView and
* executed immediately as JavaScript.
injectJavaScript: PropTypes.func,
* Specifies the mixed content mode. i.e WebView will allow a secure origin to load content from any other origin.
* Possible values for `mixedContentMode` are:
* - `'never'` (default) - WebView will not allow a secure origin to load content from an insecure origin.
* - `'always'` - WebView will allow a secure origin to load content from any other origin, even if that origin is insecure.
* - `'compatibility'` - WebView will attempt to be compatible with the approach of a modern web browser with regard to mixed content.
* @platform android
mixedContentMode: PropTypes.oneOf(['never', 'always', 'compatibility']),
* Used on Android only, controls whether form autocomplete data should be saved
* @platform android
saveFormDataDisabled: PropTypes.bool,
* Override the native component used to render the WebView. Enables a custom native
* WebView which uses the same JavaScript as the original WebView.
nativeConfig: PropTypes.shape({
* The native component used to render the WebView.
component: PropTypes.any,
* Set props directly on the native component WebView. Enables custom props which the
* original WebView doesn't pass through.
props: PropTypes.object,
* Set the ViewManager to use for communication with the native side.
* @platform ios
viewManager: PropTypes.object,
* Used on Android only, controls whether the given list of URL prefixes should
* make {@link com.facebook.react.views.webview.ReactWebViewClient} to launch a
* default activity intent for those URL instead of loading it within the webview.
* Use this to list URLs that WebView cannot handle, e.g. a PDF url.
* @platform android
urlPrefixesForDefaultIntent: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
static defaultProps = {
javaScriptEnabled: true,
thirdPartyCookiesEnabled: true,
scalesPageToFit: true,
saveFormDataDisabled: false,
originWhitelist: WebViewShared.defaultOriginWhitelist,
state = {
viewState: WebViewState.IDLE,
lastErrorEvent: null,
startInLoadingState: true,
UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
if (this.props.startInLoadingState) {
this.setState({ viewState: WebViewState.LOADING });
render() {
let otherView = null;
if (this.state.viewState === WebViewState.LOADING) {
otherView = (this.props.renderLoading || defaultRenderLoading)();
} else if (this.state.viewState === WebViewState.ERROR) {
const errorEvent = this.state.lastErrorEvent;
otherView =
this.props.renderError &&
} else if (this.state.viewState !== WebViewState.IDLE) {
'RCTWebView invalid state encountered: ' + this.state.loading,
const webViewStyles = [styles.container, this.props.style];
if (
this.state.viewState === WebViewState.LOADING ||
this.state.viewState === WebViewState.ERROR
) {
// if we're in either LOADING or ERROR states, don't show the webView
const source = this.props.source || {};
if (this.props.html) {
source.html = this.props.html;
} else if (this.props.url) {
source.uri = this.props.url;
if (source.method === 'POST' && source.headers) {
'WebView: `source.headers` is not supported when using POST.',
} else if (source.method === 'GET' && source.body) {
console.warn('WebView: `source.body` is not supported when using GET.');
const nativeConfig = this.props.nativeConfig || {};
const originWhitelist = (this.props.originWhitelist || []).map(
let NativeWebView = nativeConfig.component || RCTWebView;
const webView = (
return (
goForward = () => {
goBack = () => {
reload = () => {
viewState: WebViewState.LOADING,
stopLoading = () => {
postMessage = data => {
* Injects a javascript string into the referenced WebView. Deliberately does not
* return a response because using eval() to return a response breaks this method
* on pages with a Content Security Policy that disallows eval(). If you need that
* functionality, look into postMessage/onMessage.
injectJavaScript = data => {
* We return an event with a bunch of fields including:
* url, title, loading, canGoBack, canGoForward
updateNavigationState = event => {
if (this.props.onNavigationStateChange) {
getWebViewHandle = () => {
return ReactNative.findNodeHandle(this.refs[RCT_WEBVIEW_REF]);
onLoadingStart = event => {
const onLoadStart = this.props.onLoadStart;
onLoadStart && onLoadStart(event);
onLoadingError = event => {
event.persist(); // persist this event because we need to store it
const { onError, onLoadEnd } = this.props;
onError && onError(event);
onLoadEnd && onLoadEnd(event);
console.warn('Encountered an error loading page', event.nativeEvent);
lastErrorEvent: event.nativeEvent,
viewState: WebViewState.ERROR,
onLoadingFinish = event => {
const { onLoad, onLoadEnd } = this.props;
onLoad && onLoad(event);
onLoadEnd && onLoadEnd(event);
viewState: WebViewState.IDLE,
onMessage = (event: Event) => {
const { onMessage } = this.props;
onMessage && onMessage(event);
const RCTWebView = requireNativeComponent('RCTWebView');
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
hidden: {
height: 0,
flex: 0, // disable 'flex:1' when hiding a View
loadingView: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
loadingProgressBar: {
height: 20,
module.exports = WebView;