BeautyOption is setBeautyEffectOptions's option parameter
lighteningContrastLevel: integer | lightening contrast level and the value ranges is low: 0, normal: 1, high: 2
lighteningLevel: float | brightness level and the value ranges between 0.0 (original) and 1.0.
smoothnessLevel: float | The sharpness level. The value ranges between 0.0 (original) and 1.0. This parameter is usually used to remove blemishes.
rednessLevel: float | The redness level. The value ranges between 0.0 (original) and 1.0. This parameter adjusts the red saturation level.
Generated using TypeDoc
BeautyOption is setBeautyEffectOptions's option parameter
lighteningContrastLevel: integer | lightening contrast level and the value ranges is low: 0, normal: 1, high: 2
lighteningLevel: float | brightness level and the value ranges between 0.0 (original) and 1.0.
smoothnessLevel: float | The sharpness level. The value ranges between 0.0 (original) and 1.0. This parameter is usually used to remove blemishes.
rednessLevel: float | The redness level. The value ranges between 0.0 (original) and 1.0. This parameter adjusts the red saturation level.